Saturday, September 5, 2015

First Post

The name's Braden--I'm really bad at writing things like this, but it was a class requirement, so yeah.  I'm a Secondary Education Major specializing in English/Social Studies (not decided yet).  I'm taking GEND200 just to fulfill a Social Sciences requirement and because the class seemed interesting to me.  The purpose of the blog is basically just to reflect on class activities and interact with others about thoughts and such. 


  1. Hello Braden, I also joined this class because it was a major requirement and looked interesting. So far I am glad I did, I am having fun in this class already. I hope you enjoy it too!

  2. Hi Braden. I'm not really comfortable with the blogging yet myself. But it's a great way to get out of your shell. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hey Braden,
    I've never had a blog before ever until now. I guess the way I'm thinking about this whole blog thing is to be like a journal but other people can write in it too. I think this class will open people's minds in many different ways and that's what I'm looking forward to!

  4. Hey Braden!
    Don't worry about writing man (we're in the same boat). But this class also stuck out to me too. I look forward to studying together.
    ~ Kyle

  5. I feel You blogging is new to me as well don't even know what im doing half the time lol.
